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Shoemoney vs. SEOmoz on Disclosure

One reason I like driving long distances (okay, the only reason) is because I get to catch up on old broadcasts from Webmaster Radio that I’ve stuck on my iPod.  I’ve tried to listen before while working, and it’s just not productive. I can’t...

Faking Google Page Rank?

I was with Jerry West at Webmaster World in Las Vegas when I first heard about faked Page Rank. It turns out that it was a relatively OLD scam, but one that had somehow escaped my knowledge! (See, I’ve told you repeatedly that I still learn new things every...

Searchfest 2007 is Over

Portland Oregon’s Searchfest 2007 is now one for the history books, and by any measure, it was a resounding success. With nearly 250 attendees, this was the largest search event ever held in Oregon to my knowledge. Our goal was to really put Portland on the map...