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Scott, I was wondering how you are able to create such nice screen casts. I have tried to replicate it with less than perfect results. The main problem is that verbiage on the screen is all fuzzy, plus the file size is huge even on smaller videos. I was wondering if you could pass along any tricks.

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I just use Camtasia 5, and depending on where I want to display it, I then choose the appropriate format for production. I've really not done anything special, other than a lot of trial and error on production formatting for size.

The videos on this site for Revver are all .wmv files. I pretty much record everything at 1024x768, and whenever I scale the size down for production, I do it proportionately - i.e. it's a percentage of the original height and width, so there's no distortion (never 800 x 600)

Asked by: jason
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