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Refund Policy.

If at any time you don’t feel like the service, advice, tools, or knowledge that you obtain from any of the services here at PDXTC (or at ANY Search Commander, Inc. business) are worth every penny of the money you’re spending, then we will simply part ways with no hard feelings, and I will refund you 100% of the previous month’s fees upon request.

No matter what your purchase, whether it’s a monthly hosting account or anything whatsoever, If you ever feel that something has not been completed to your full satisfaction, just say so, and all of your previous monthly fees will be returned.

I value your business, but I also value our reputation and your future referrals, and I have not yet been asked to ever refund a single dollar, (although I HAVE offered it myself on occasion! )

Scott Hendison
CEO Search Commander, Inc.

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